Cosmic Emptiness

The Onion, as usual, called it:

Obama Depressed, Distant Since ‘Battlestar Galactica’ Series Finale

Obama told aides he feels "like a cylon without a Resurrection Ship."
Obama told aides he feels "like a cylon without a Resurrection Ship."

The president isn’t the only “mutt” grappling with the earth-shattering consequences of the series’ final revelation of our hybrid genesis as a species.

I had my say a couple days back. Over at Koreanish, Alex Chee puts it this way:

To celebrate the Battlestar Galactica finale, my friends make a Battlestar cake, which we eat as the ship falls apart in the last episode. On Facebook and Twitter, paeans of grief float by in the comment feeds. Many of my friends still wonder, why did I feel anything, even when the show disappoints so much at the end. But we were experiencing a collective emotional projection. In the only place we’d found to do it.

…Near the end, I expected to be over-identifying with the half-cylon, half-human hybrid child, Hera. She is implicitly half-Korean (Grace Park plays her Cylon mother, and Tamoh Penikett is her father, a white man). But it was always the plight of the Cylons, who resemble humans almost exactly, that stuck in my head more. Their experience was more familiar, like the experience of being of mixed heritage, in America and in Asia both. Either hidden, because people assume you are like them, because of your appearance. Or, if you are ‘found out’, cautiously tolerated and viewed constantly as an imposter. And never as quite human enough to be “just” human.

Being gay has also been like this.

Someday everyone will be like you, I remember someone saying to me as a child. About my mixed ethnicity.  I think that’s why I liked science fiction so much. The idea that in the future, that feeling would go away. I keep checking to see if it’s here, and I think it almost is. When William Gibson wrote a realist fiction novel, that increasingly seems to me the sign that Cyberpunk would be the new social realism. Which I think it now is.

Gimme a piece of that!
Gimme a piece of that!

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